Luke 1:26-33

Luke 2: 1-7

Luke 2:8-17

Matthew 2:1-12

You’ve scanned the code, now let’s explore,
What each friend’s activity has in store!
A playful task, a thoughtful deed,
A moment of joy or a chance to lead.
Craft, create, or lend a hand,
Follow the path each friend has planned.
Sing a song or share some cheer,
Spread the love this time of year.
When the fun is done, before you part,
Take a moment to still your heart.
Whisper a prayer, short or long,
A gift to God where all belong.

Just like the angel offered life giving words to Mary we can offer this to the people in our lives too! Using these directions, make a few Angel treats to share. Attach a card saying “You are loved!” Then see where God takes it from there!
Mini Packaged candies (we used M&Ms and Skittles)
Small Reeses
Chenille stems- we used gold
Glue – we used a low temp hot glue gun
Black marker
Cut a piece of large ribbon to desired size and fold each end to the middle and glue in place
Take your chenille stem and twist the end of it round the center of your ribbon bunching it together
Bunch the top of your candy package and glue it together
Glue a mini reeses to the bunched part of your candy package
Use your black marker and draw on 2 eyes
Glue your ribbon wings to the back of your candy package (chenille stem pointing upward)
Twist the top of your chenille stem into a halo (trim any excess chenille stem)
Add a smaller ribbon just under the reeses head

Invite your friends to sit with you at church on Chirstmas Eve!

The shepherds were so overjoyed that they ran to see the newborn Savior. What do you do when you’re this excited? Sing? Dance? Clap? Jump up and down? Watch the video to hear a song that just might get you singing, dancing, and clapping as you celebrate Jesus, who came for you too!

Sometimes, writing down your thoughts and inviting others to pray over them can be incredibly meaningful. Lifting each other’s concerns to Jesus is a gift He deeply treasures!
A container or jar (decorate it if you’d like!)
Popsicle sticks or small pieces of paper
Markers or pens
Choose a Container: Grab a jar, can, or bucket to hold your prayers. You can decorate it with stickers, paint, or ribbon to make it special!
Prepare Your Writing Tools: Use popsicle sticks or small slips of paper as your “prayer notes.”
Write It Down: Think about the thoughts, feelings, or concerns that are on your heart—even the messy ones! Write each one on a stick or piece of paper.
Place Them in the Pail: Drop your prayer notes into the container as a way of giving them to Jesus.