Winter Szn
Becoming More Magazine
Our prayer is that this magazine inspires you to grow deeper in your life with Jesus and His body, the Church. As we pursue Becoming More together, may we discover the power of His hope to anchor us, His peace to sustain us, His joy to strengthen us, and His love to transform us.
As you’re with someone, you become like them. The more you’re with Jesus, the more you become like him. As a church, we exist to lead people into life with Jesus, and life with Jesus leads to becoming more faithful, complete, and generous.
We want to become more faithful because how we live matters. God consistently tells us to be attentive to his words and ways; to pick up what he wants for us and lay down what he doesn't, trusting that his ways are best.
We want to become more complete, fully integrated, all systems go. God cares about our whole life: spiritually, socially, physically, emotionally, sexually, financially, intellectually, and vocationally. He wants it all to be whole and holy.
We want to become generous reflecting God's own heart. Generous with the words we use, with the time we have, with the gifts we've been given, with our stuff, our space, our finances, and with the message of Jesus.
Latest Message
At JaxNaz Church, we often preach in what we call sermon series. These are groups of messages that revolve around a similar theme or topic. Each series typically spans several weeks, allowing us to delve deeply into various aspects of the chosen theme.
Whether the series focuses on a book of the Bible, a particular virtue, or a relevant issue in today's world, our goal is to connect God's word with the real-life challenges and opportunities our members face.

When you find yourself with more, filled to overflowing, you can't help but share it with others. One way our church directs the overflow outward is through our High Five Active Reach Partnerships - teaming up with God, organizations, and individuals to share Jesus and meet the needs of the most vulnerable around us.
There are times when life is overwhelming, when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you!